Kofu Castle Ruins, also known as Maizuru Castle Park, is located in the city of Kofu and the only modern castle built in Yamanashi Prefecture. It has a 400-year history. Because of urbanization, the surrounding landscape has changed drastically; yet, it has been protected as a historic site where the stone walls during the construction period remain well.
(https://www.yamanashi-kankou.jp/english/staff-journal/201905_kofu_castle.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maizuru_Castle_Park)
The Yamanashi Prefectural Buried Cultural Properties Center has been conducting excavations in the castle and renovating the stone walls since 1990 to preserve the historic site for future generations. Stone walls of Kofu Castle are mostly made of andesite most likely brought locally and constructed by the method of uchikomi-hagi, fitting stones together by pounding and eliminating the gaps between them. Some stone walls are constructed by the method of kirikomi-hagi, connecting with adjacent stones more firmly using precise cutting of shaped stones. They seem to be repaired later in the Edo period. Another method, called sangi-zumi, was used for the corners of stone walls. In this method, stones were shaped into rectangles. The long and short sides were piled alternately. The alternating stones increase the pressure and strengthen the corners of the wall.
About Japanese castles: https://japanese-castle.com/en/home-en/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_castle
Map of Kofu Castle Ruins
Maizuru Castle Park, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Most of Kofu Castle Ruins are built on the andesite bedrock; some remains of andesite rocks, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Stone walls; Nozura-zumi stacking natural stones as they are, uchikomi-hagi, and kirikomi-hagi, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Stone walls; Large stones called mirror stones were used to reflect the power and authority of the lord of the castle, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Remains of the bore holes used to cut the stone made by stone masons 400 years ago; and the drainage culvert, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Corner stone walls constructed by the method of sangi-zumi, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Stone walls constructed by the method of kirikomi-hagi, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
A toll stone wall, approximately 17 meters high, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024
Stone walls covered with moss and lichen, Kofu Castle Ruins, Kofu-city, Yamanashi, 02/18/2024