Toyama Tour

A bus tour to the Minamoto Masu-no-Sushi Museum in Toyama and the Takaoka Mountain Zuiryuji Temple in Takaoka was conducted.  The guests enjoyed the factory tour of the masu-sushi making process and purchased a lot of bento and souvenirs (  In the Zuiryuji Temple, the guests were mesmerized by the subdued but authentic beauty of the Zen structures (  Especially, the demonstration of the Zen-sitting meditation (zazen) practiced by the Soto Sect of Zen Buddhism caught attention, and the thoroughness of reaching the peaceful mind was admired by the guests.  One guest enjoyed matcha green tea.

Zuiryuji Temple, Takaoka, Toyama, 4/21/2017

Fact Sheet

Guest Capacity: 2,670 lower berths

Tonnage: 115,875

Number Cruise: 1,100

Length: 952 feet; Height: 205 feet

Beam: 164 feet (including bridge wing); 123 feet (excluding bridge wing)

Guest Cabins: 1,337 (960 outside/377 inside) total

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