POP Circus in Yamanashi

POP CIRCUS is based in the city of Osaka in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. POP stands for Pursuit of Pleasure. The performance of POP Circus in Yamanashi has been held at Laza Walk Kaifutaba in the city of Kai in Yamanashi Prefecture from February 11 through April 6, 2025.

Today’s show was consisted of FLYING TRAPEZE, JUGGLING, High bowl, Single Trapeze, DEATH WHEEL, RIBBON ACROBAT, Quick Change, ILLUSION, Tightrope, Hand to Hand, and CLOWN. The Circus Ring Master appeared in the final performance. The final performance was permitted to take photographs.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_circus_skills; https://walk-uny.com/laza-walk/; https://www.porta-y.jp/en/event/176774

Tent and part of the finale performance, POP Circus, Kai, Yamanashi, 2/22/2025

Following the Yamanashi performance, POP Circus in Shizuoka is scheduled at Shimizu Marine Park in Shimizu-ward in the city of Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture from April 26 through June 22, 2025.

Narusawa Ice Cave and Fugaku Wind Cave 2025

The Narusawa Ice Cave and the Fugaku Wind Cave are lava tubes in the Aokogahara Woodland (forest) at the northern foot of Mount Fuji. The Ice Cave is located in Narusawa village and the Wind Cave is in Fujikawaguchiko town, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.

Narusawa Ice Cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narusawa_Ice_Cave

Fugaku Wind Cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugaku_Wind_Cave

Narusawa Ice Cave, Narusawa, Yamanashi, 2/12/2025

Fugaku Wind Cave, Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi, 2/12/2025

Aokigahawa Woodland between Narusawa Ice Cave and Fugaku Wind Cave, Narusawa and Fujigawaguchiko, Yamanashi, 2/12/2025

Also, please refer to the article on May 15, 2018 (https://yamanashietsuo.net/fugaku-wind-cave-and-narusawa-ice-cave-aokigahara-woodland/).

Visiting Furouen Plum Garden and Mount Ohgasa

A leaf of Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_palmatum, Furouen, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/01/2025; Furouen (Plum garden of eternal life) https://www.furouen.jp/english

Wintersweet or Japanese allspice (Chimonanthus praecox) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimonanthus_praecox

Flowers and fruit of Wintersweet or Japanese allspice, Furouen, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/01/2025

Japanese apricot or Japanese plum (Prunus mume) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prunus_mume

Japanese apricot, Furouen, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/01/2025

Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental_turtle_dove

Oriental turtle dove, Furouen, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/01/2025

Wooden statues of a rabbit and a Japanese racoon dog, Furouen, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/01/2025

There are some hiking courses in Yamanashi Prefectural Atagoyama Children’s Country. https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp.e.aao.hp.transer.com/kosodate/atagoyama.html; https://yamanashi–hiking100-jp.translate.goog/course/detail/70?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en. A hiking to Mount Ohgasa was enjoyable.

The elevation of Mount Ohgasa is 548 meters above sea level.

Mount Ohgasa, Atagoyama Children’s Country, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/02/2025

Chinaberry tree (Melia azedarach) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melia_azedarach

Chinaberry tree, Mount Ohgasa, Atagoyama Children’s Country, Kofu, Yamanashi, 2/02/2025